Jeana Goosmann, CEO and Managing Partner of the Goosmann Law Firm, has been selected as one of America’s Top 100 Bet-the Company Litigators® for 2021. To be considered for selection, an attorney must have litigated a matter with at least $2,000,000 in alleged damages at stake or with the fate of a business worth at least $2,000,000 at stake.
Less than one-half percent (0.5%) of active attorneys in the United States will receive this honor. Goosmann is a Lifetime Member of America’s Top 100 Attorneys®, a Member of the Nation’s Top One Percent by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel®, and has been named on the Super Lawyer® list for six consecutive years.
Goosmann is the CEO’s Attorney and personally acts as general counsel to company presidents, CEOs, and corporate executives. After becoming an entrepreneur and starting Goosmann Law Firm in 2009, she’s grown the firm successfully at a rapid pace earning her firm as one of the Top 100 Fastest Growing Law Firms by the Law Firm 500 for four consecutive years. Goosmann’s legal advice is sought after by the most successful CEOs. Her clients include large national corporations as well as local closely-held companies and family-owned businesses of all sizes. Goosmann has represented clients on Forbe’s billionaire’s list, Senators in trial, and companies involved in anti-trust class action, toxic tort, business fraud, piercing the corporate veil, adversary proceedings, mass product recall, breach of contract, explosion litigation and business torts. Goosmann also helps out-of-state lawyers with transactions and litigation in Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota.
About Goosmann Law Firm
The Goosmann Law Firm helps business leaders win disputes, protect their wealth, and spend time on what’s worth it. They are one of the fastest growing law firms in the United States with locations in Omaha, Nebraska, Sioux City, Iowa, Spirit Lake, Iowa and Sioux Falls, South Dakota.